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Nuremberg Beertasting (Deutsch/English)

Beertasting in Nuremberg

From 10€ per person
"Beim Almosmüller" Mühlgasse 3 · 90403 Nuremberg

Descripción del servicio

Welcome to our beer tasting in Nuremberg! We would be delighted to welcome you to beer tasting with history and anecdotes. We don’t follow a script but tailor our tasting to your preferences. This means you only order the beers you like and pay for them in the end. This way you can make sure you get exactly what you want. Together with our friends from the Franconian pub "Beim Almosmüller," we will assist you and take you on a culinary journey through the beer history of Nuremberg. The pubs historic walls dating back to the 13th century provide the perfect setting for a beer tour through the ages. Our tour begins in the Middle Ages, as early as 1310, when the council of the Free Imperial City issued a purity law for the red beer brewers. This places Nuremberg more than two centuries ahead of the Bavarians with the purity law of 1516. Naturally, we won’t stick to theory alone; a red beer is a must on our tasting list. We will then move on to the Industrial Revolution, during which Nuremberg developed into Germany’s most important hop trading center. The hop-growing region was and still is the southern area of Spalt. Would you like a sample of a hoppy Franconian Pilsner? In the 19th century, Nuremberg became one of the largest beer producers. It’s no surprise that with the maiden voyage of the first German railway, the "Adler," beer was already being exported to Fürth. Since then, there has been something decent to drink in the West End as well. However, we don’t have to stay in Nuremberg for our tasting. The Franconian region still has around 300 breweries, the highest brewery density in the world. There is something you like. Come visit us and enjoy a delightful stay in Nuremberg. Please note: The suggested tip of 10 € is for the moderation. Beer and food you order at the pub.

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Política de cancelación

Cancellation Policy We kindly ask our guests to inform us in advance if they are unable to attend their reservation. Timely notification allows us to offer the spot to other interested participants. We also reserve the right to cancel the tour under certain circumstances. These include, but are not limited to: Illness of the tour guide Severe weather conditions that could endanger the safety of the participants Force majeure or unforeseen events that make the tour impossible Additionally, we reserve the right to cancel the tour if the minimum number of participants is not reached. In such cases, we will notify you as early as possible and try to offer an alternative solution. We thank you for your understanding and consideration. Stornierungsrichtlinie Wir bitten unsere Gäste höflichst, uns im Voraus zu informieren, sollten sie ihre Reservierung nicht wahrnehmen können. Eine rechtzeitige Benachrichtigung ermöglicht es uns, anderen Interessenten die Möglichkeit zu geben, an der Führung teilzunehmen. Auch wir behalten uns das Recht vor, die Führung unter bestimmten Umständen abzusagen. Dazu zählen unter anderem: Krankheit des Tourleiters Schwere Unwetter oder ungünstige Wetterbedingungen, die die Sicherheit der Teilnehmer gefährden könnten Höhere Gewalt oder unvorhersehbare Ereignisse, die die Durchführung der Führung unmöglich machen Zudem behalten wir uns das Recht vor, die Führung abzusagen, wenn die Mindestteilnehmerzahl nicht erreicht wird. In einem solchen Fall werden wir Sie so früh wie möglich informieren und versuchen, eine alternative Lösung anzubieten. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Rücksichtnahme.

Datos de contacto


Look for the white green umbrella Schöner Brunnen, Hauptmarkt, Nuremberg, Germany

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